martes, 4 de agosto de 2009


Muy buenos días tengan todos... Sean bienvenidos a este blog creado con la intención de ser un espacio para compartir ideas, información y experiencias... En este verano voy a tener el placer de ser su profesor, por lo que estoy ansioso de participar en su proceso de formación profesional.

Los invito a revisar las entradas antiguas de este blog para descargar todo el material que les hará falta para su buen desempeño en la materia. Así mismo, los exhorto a visitar la página de descarga para que puedan acceder a las guías de la asignatura!!!

Me despido,
Ing. Alfredo A. Alvarez G.

5 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Hello Alfredo.
Im wirtting in here to post a video of a fuctinal "wave Dragon" located in Denmark.
In this video you can see the way that this generator works, the size, the capacity of power generation, the future vision and aplications, among other things...
Aurelio Marcano

Unknown dijo...

hi everyone here i let you a link about how is composed and works a otto motor. Is a very dinamic video and very intersting.

Unknown dijo...

hi everyone again, i found this video about the wankel motor, that it's a motor completely diferentt of the motors that we are accustomed to see. A motor that is very eficcient, used in cars how de mazda rx8

Unknown dijo...

Hi everyone here are a video to make conscience, as our planet everyday presents climatic changes, our work as engineers is find ways to reduce these problems, this video shows how is used the alternatives energy's actually in our planet.

Unknown dijo...

Hi, like a personal comment, i think that this matter it's very important. They shows us much of what will be our field of work,also complements other subjects, as the materials used for the manufacture of many of the machines used here are special, and also conditions of work are not very common